It's Show Time for TEAMS' solutions

You were Datathoner at #AcademiaDatathon or just a Data Science Fan?
Check the teams' solutions by subscribing to our YouTube channel
and explore the impressive #ML #AI #crypto masterpiece of the teams at DataTV
You can always  join us in the #general channel of the DataChat to follow the ongoing discussion

What is the Academia Datathon?

The Academia Datathon is a weekend-long online competition where more than 100 students from several universities across 6 countries are challenged to work on one real-world business case.

Their mission is to build in 48 hours not only the best machine learning algorithms but also to build up their knowledge and expertise helped by mentors, experts and other like-minded students in the field coming from all over the world.

The most creative and precise solutions of the provided dataset for the challenge will be awarded by a world known jury.

The Academia Datathon is entirely held online and opened to the global community via our platform.

What is Datathon?
The Case

The case is financial time-series prediction with cryptocurrencies and it integrates knowledge from various sources - Crypto Currencies, Quantitative Finance, and Machine learning.

The Data

The data consists of time-series of various cryptocurrencies with open, high, low, close prices and volumes from different crypto exchanges, but it could also be enriched during the Datathon by the teams.

Two levels of difficulty

The first level is to make a prediction model of the major cryptocurrencies’ prices with all necessary studies for that purpose. The second level is making an autonomous A.I. decision-maker for trading/investing.

The Goal

The goal is to build a successful investing/trading model on the cryptocurrency markets.

Good luck!

The Academia:


The Mentors

This is the top University Mentors team with huge experience in #Econometrics, #Statistics and #ComputerScience.

Why participate?

Real- World Cryptocurrency Data Challenge

Solve a practical cryptocurrency challenge, using Machine Learning, AI algorithms and more

Have fun

We encourage all students to have fun, form a team of other like-minded students, compete together, connect, and master Data Science learning from each other.

Leading Experts Mentorship

Get mentored by some of the best experts in Cryptocurrency and Machine Learning


Work with fellow students from all around the world while receiving advice from DSS experts and other mentors and professors.

Be a part of the community

Be a part of a strong and focused on data science only community that strives to grow our expertise together

Safe learning environment

Grow your knowledge and experiment in the safe and supportive environment of Data Science Society

Access to:

Real data from sources providing Cryptocurrency transactions
Various cryptocurrencies with prices and volumes from different cryptocurrency exchange
Data Science Challenges with multiple levels of difficulty – Prediction models and AI algorithms
A platform for collaboration within Data Science Society and Supreme Mentorship from domain world experts

How it works:

Reserve your spot via the link sent by your professor
Register on the website and fill in your profile beginning of April
Review the Datathon case
Form your team by using the platform proactively
Opening, start working with your team
Work with mentors
Upload your results on the DSS.Platform
Awards and feedback


All times are in UTC time zone

Pre-event week

  • Registration on the DDS website - mandatory for all participants
  • Fill in your profiles
  • Get to know the cases and the DSS platform
  • Login to Data.Chat and Chat with the Society and Mentors
  • Get to know other participants & Pre-event team forming
  • Online games in Data.Chat
  • Day 1 - 27.Apr.18

    1. On Campus Registration @ your University / Icebreaker fun sessions
    2. Keynote speakers: Tomislav Krizan (My AI Life), Nikola Stojanow (A Crypto Success story), Liyana Shuib (My Malaya Uni experience)
    3. Data Science Society Opening
    4. Matchmaking
    5. Data collection is fun
    6. Launch your team article (start working on the case)
    7. Work on the case

    Day 2 - 28.Apr.18

    1. Work on the case
    2. Super Data Bros first Q & A session
    3. Video Stremed University introduction
    4. Super Data Bros second Q & A session
    5. Deadline for uploading draft solution

    Day 3 - 29.Apr.18

    1. Announcement of Semi-Finals Groups
    2. Deadline for Publishing Results
    3. Semi-Finals - Jury / Finalists announcement
    4. Finalist live presentations at YouTube
    5. Awards


    General Terms of Participation

    With your registration, you accept the following conditions: