Angel Marchev – Assoc. Prof. @ University of National and World Economy
Prof. PhD Angel Marchev, Jr. has graduated in finance from the University of National and World Economy as a merit student. He later graduated master degree in Corporate finance at the Burgas Free University. He pursued a career as a Bank analyst but found it is too formalistic and not enough challenge. Angel is a PhD in applications of computer simulations in business.
Marchev Jr. Is at least tenth generation university professor and it was only natural to choose such career path. He is currently teaching at the UNWE and BFU on „Stock markets and operations”, „Modelling and forecasting”, „Fundamentals of management”
His scientific interests include (the list is far from exhaustive):
* cybernetics
* computer simulation, forecasting, quantitative methods in management
* portfolio management, financial markets
* simulation and gaming
* self-organization, evolutionary algorithms, multi-stage selection procedures, genetic algorithms, neural networks, fuzzy logic, chaos theory
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