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CASE Kaufland, TEAM “Data Abusement Squad”

From the article for me it is not clear if the training data set provided by Kaufland is used to report the accuracy.

The models results are good and I particularly like the simplicity of the model!
Very well done!

However, there was no attempt to compare the results with similar model created with fully convolution network, that can be used directly with data set with different image sizes.

Fruit Ninjas: Kaufland Case

Overall I am not impressed by the achieved accuracy.

One of the reasons is the expiration of the Azure vouchers and the troubles with the VM.
Other possible reason is that the team used relatively old CNN architecture.

Team GrBrGr, Case Kaufland

I will like to see the reported accuracy against the provided test data set by Kaufland, not just on 20% of the training set.

Since datascience is experimental science I very much appreciate the approach by the team to compare wide range of CNN architectures!
Very well done!