Net Info 2020 Case about articles

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In the dawn of the digital age, everybody’s voice is empowered so it can be heard by everyone. However when everyone speaks their voice out regarding a subject, the situation awareness is drowned in a sea of personal views. This in turn makes it harder to make effective informative decisions due to vague situation awareness. One way to improve this is to cluster the information into “world views”. Net Info has shared news articles in light of developing a semantic cluster analysis algorithm.

Datathon2020 – Create gaming bot case – provided by Imperia Online

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In the past few years DeepMind’s Alpha projects, IBM DeepBlue and OpenAI Five have shown that we are reaching the point of matching and exceeding human performance in complex game environments where there is no silver bullet to achieve a goal. In the push to mimic human performance in games Imperia Online has prepared a case in the game of Baloot. Have you ever heard about Baloot? Sounds like Belote and actually is like Belote but a little bit different.

Datathon2020 – Article recommender case – provided by NetInfo

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For the past two decades we have been witnessing a never seen before access to information on one hand and at the same time the volume of the information has been exponentially growing. The rule: 90% of all data has been created in the past 2 years is still standing. This has lead to information overloading and the rise of recommendation systems. Guiding the user in this pool of data has proven to be critical for business success as we can see from YouTube, Amazon, Netflix and many others. Net Info has prepared another challenge: The next best article.

Datathon2020 – Optimize Retail Supply Chain case – provided by Kaufland

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is making huge impact in the Logistics Industry. Recent research shows that AI will enable companies to “…derive between $1.3trn and $2trn a year in economic value from using AI in supply chain…”.
Following this spirit Kaufland has prepared a hot case straight out of their Supply Chain Management systems.