Datathon – HackNews – Solution – Path Finders

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In recent years, deceptive content such as fake news and fake reviews, also known as opinion spams, have increasingly become a dangerous prospect for online users. Fake reviews have affected consumers and stores alike. Furthermore, the problem of fake news has gained attention in 2016, especially in the aftermath of the last U.S. presidential elections. Fake reviews and fake news are a closely related phenomenon as both consist of writing and spreading false information or beliefs. The opinion spam problem was formulated for the first time a few years ago, but it has quickly become a growing research area due to the abundance of user-generated content. It is now easy for anyone to either write fake reviews or write fake news on the web. The biggest challenge is the lack of an efficient way to tell the difference between a real review and a fake one; even humans are often unable to tell the difference. We are implementing  7 machine learning classification techniques here.

Datathon Telenor Solution – WRANGLING WITH DATA DROPS

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This article proposes very tractable approach to modelling changes in regime .The parameters of Time & Date are viewed in the outcome for this analysis.
In the 21st century cell phones are the most commonly used and important wireless technology. Cell phones are so common that it can be seen in everyone’s hand doesn’t matter what age group that individual belongs to, whether that individual is old, young or teenager belonging to any terrain .India has a population of 1.32 billion and comprises of nearly 340 million cell phones. It is used for communication ,messaging , downloading and uploading data on the internet.
There are times when an user counter issues in communications like termination of call,data drop in between of communication, wrong connections, etc. which may have an impact on the overall experience of the network subscribers. The telecom service providers have to implement certain data management technology to improve their infrastructure to minimize the effect of call drop and data drop to provide quality services to their customers.
Nearly all signals contain energy at harmonic frequencies, in addition to the energy at the fundamental frequency. If all the energy in a signal is contained at the fundamental frequency, then that signal is a perfect sine wave. The telecommunication signals also contains many harmonics which are affected a lot because of semiconductor interfacing , physical or digital barriers.
Keywords- Data drop,Call drop