
#Empower the People and #Hack the System For a Reward

If you are a developer, designer, media representative, civic activist or an NGO and are interested into making the public data work for better government and more participatory society, our friends from NGO Links would like to invite you to a civic hacking contest to develop data-based visualizations, applications, and other products. The goal is to make use of the datasets released on the Open Data Portal of Bulgaria in order to spur the creation of tools with significant social impact. Work will be done in teams comprised of people with different areas of expertise – developers, NGOs, journalists. The winner team will receive a prize of €2000.

Creating software solutions could be fun and easy like playing with Legos. Anybody can do it if they are given clear instructions and guided by a good mentor.

In order to encourage team work and innovation two preparatory workshops will be organized on 17th and 19th of November during which the teams led by their mentors will be able to generate ideas and select the idea to work on. You are free to choose the date that is most convenient to you.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the event and don’t forget to bring your laptop.

The workshops are free-of-charge and are part of the projects “Civic Platform for Open Government” funded by the NGO Programme in Bulgaria Under The European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2009 -2014.

You can find more information about the events here.

For registration and confirmation, please e-mail Teodora Gandova from NGO Links or call her at 0887 51 62 33.

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