Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (IICT) at BAS together with Data Science Society are pleased to invite you to the Open Days project AComIn (Advanced Computing for Innovation), funded under the Seventh Framework Programme EU Commission in 2012-2016. The event is a final project and will held on 15-16 January 2016.
Purpose of AComIn is to strengthen the scientific and innovative potential of (IICT) both through increased knowledge, skills and international contacts of its scientists from various scientific fields and by purchasing modern equipment. Scientific achievements project will be displayed through posters, including the results of foreign postdocs in AComIn, visiting professors and young scientists from IICT institute and also patent proposals. Innovative prototypes will be demonstrated with use of appliances in “Smart Lab”: industrial tomography 3D scanner, 3D printer, 3D video wall, thermal camera, fast camera acoustic chamber, laser granulomer and recording studio.
Developments contribute to the grow of areas such as new materials, improve the quality of life, three-dimensional technology and digitization prototyping, efficient transport, non-destructive testing, Bulgarian language technologies and others.
Open Days project AComIn will be held on Friday and Saturday 15 to 16 January 2016 in the two buildings of the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies BAS city. Sofia, “Acad. Georgi Bonchev” Block 2 and Block 25A. Start: 10:00 am.
Program sessions, Preliminary Program and Reports in English are available.
We will be glad to see you at the event.