Members of Data Science Society are invited to the International Science Conference “Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering” (BdKCSE’2015), which aims to provide an open forum for the dissemination of the current research progress, innovative approaches and original research results on all aspects of Big Data Management, Technologies, and Applications.
Organizer of the BdKCSE’2015 Conference is the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, co-organizer is the “John Atanasoff” Union of Automatics and Informatics, Bulgaria and partnership with Data Science Society.
The main aim of the BdKCSE’2015 Conference is to bring researchers, students, professionals and others interested in the topic to present their works, to help the research community identify the important contributions and opportunities for research on the innovative methodologies and techniques in the Big Data field.
More about conference and the topics can be found at
You can find a preliminary agenda for the event at
Location: The Federation of the Scientific Engineering Unions – 108 Rakovsky Str. 1000 Sofia, Hall 105A.
We are pleased to invite you to the Conference BdKCSE’2015 that will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria on 5-6 November 2015.
Please register.