Predicting Weather Disruption of Public Transport

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1. Business Understanding As part of datathon 2020, our case is tasked to build a predictive model to public transport services. The model can detect when the machine plan for less disruption in the wake of severe weather conditions and leverage the emergency management plan as well as providing uninterrupted services and products to citizens. […]

Weather Disruption of Public Transport Analysis Using Python

Posted 6 CommentsPosted in Datathon 2020 Solutions, Datathons Solutions

The Weather Dataset provided has been preprocessed the traffic data ha been appended after preprocessing.The aim is to find the intersection dates available from both the datasets and do a predictive analsyis after combining traffic and weather if future weather conditions are given or predicted by time series analysis ,public trasnport disruption could be interpreted using machine learning models.

(Just a small try by an undergrad engineering student,Hope you like it 🙂 ).