
Popular comments by y2587wan

Weather Effects on Traffic Accidents in Dubai

For other locations, there are lots of historical datasets for buses. For example, https://transitfeeds.com/p/riverside-transit-agency/531 contains GTFS data in US California Riverside Riverside Transit Agency. However, the question statement requires Dubai. I have tried Google Map API, Here API, and TomTom API. All of them only contain real-time traffic in Dubai. Historical datasets are missing. It would be interesting to know who obtain historical data in this competition.

Weather Effects on Traffic Accidents in Dubai

Thank you. I just realized when clicking “see more” on bus ridership open page, it will show more data than several days; however, during the competition, I clicked “next page” instead. Sorry for the argument above.

Weather Effects on Traffic Accidents in Dubai

However, I am unable to obtain enough bus ridership data due to Dubai Pulse API restriction which only allows its citizens with ID to access. Otherwise, it would be interesting to predict the number of buses instead of the number of traffic accidents based on the weather data.

Weather Effects on Traffic Accidents in Dubai

I agree with your comment. I focused more on analysis instead of models. I did train Random Forest and XGBoost models which use weather forecast data to predict the number of traffic accidents during the current hour. One way to improve based on your comment would be shifting one hour of the traffic accidents data to do the training. Another important point would be interesting to add would be trying to figure out above how many accidents predicts the government should add/decrease the number of buses.