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Popular articles by iliyanski
Monthly Challenge – Sofia Air – Solution – New!Bees
Popular comments by iliyanski
Monthly Challenge – Sofia Air – Solution – Banana
Hi team,
You have done excellent job this weekl! No doubt that your work is great. I think all of us, or at least I am going to learn from you. What I like about your article is that it is very easy to read, the code is outstanding between the lines and the graphs represent the results briefly by giving clear idea what is going on – very interactive. Furthermore, I can say you have attention to detail and also have different way of thinking – out of the box.
Monthly Challenge – Sofia Air – Team Yagoda – Solution
Dear Banana Team,
I think you have done a great job with your article and your script, both are very clear. As a person who has difficult time writing a code, as I look at yours I have no problem understanding it, which is very good, to keep it simple where it is possible. Follow the steps and don’t forget to use your imagination. I could tell that you are cautious, so my advice is – don’t be afraid to make mistakes, from them you learn the most. Good thing is to put pictures and plots to make you article more interactive and catching.