
Global Datathon with a Local Host in Vienna


GLOBAL DATATHON 28 – 29 – 30 September 2018

Local Host | We are Developers


WeAreDevelopers’ mission is to connect developers globally. WeAreDevelopers was founded to help developers grow to find opportunities that open new beginnings. The organization enables developers across the world to share their knowledge and experience with one another, and they are doing that through multiple events and world-known congresses such as the We are Developers World Congress and the We are Developers AI Congress coming in December 2018.

The Benefits of participating in the Datathon

Here is what Simon Stiebellehner, a Machine Learning Engineer at Craftworks and a lecturer in Statistics, says about the upcoming datathon and her role as a mentor:

“Events such as the Datathon are important for the community to exchange ideas, educate its members and provide a ground for networking. Therefore, I am happy to be part of it and support the teams in tackling their challenges. I expect to see great, creative solutions and lots of happy but tired faces. 😉

Joining the Datathon in Vienna 

Everyone with the desire to learn in the field of Data Science can participate– be it math geeks, data gurus and enthusiasts, students and beginners or anyone interested in Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Statistics or an area of the Data Science domain.

*Keep in mind that if you are a participant, who wants to join the Datathon physically in Vienna, you should choose In Vienna, Bulgaria from the drop-down options of the question – How you are going to participate at the registration page!

Online Communication:

The participants may get in touch with the DSS team via the Data.Chat.

If the participants have questions regarding the activities they are advised to use the Data.Chat channels accordingly:

  • Announcements: #announcements channel
  • General collaborative channel: #general channel
  • Technical questions: #issues channel
  • Local organization channel: #vienna_datathon 
  • Groups where the cases are going to be discussed with industry experts: #cases_company_sept_2018….
  • #nlp_text_mining, #ml, #sna, #cv, #ai, #bio_inf – Areas where the top mentors are going to be and the most important, you are free to set up your team group and start working in private group

These channels are going to be the main place of where you will ask questions to the mentors during the Datathon.


Click to find out how to reach WeAreDevelopers’ office

Logistics and onsite management:

Stephanie Rath, via the Data.Chat @stephanie


It starts @18:00 HRS with some networking

Cases and Mentors presentations:

Cases, Experts, and Industry mentors will be presented briefly by the DSS team following the schedule below and QA from the participants about the case.

There will be time for an explanation of the Datathon rules and what is expected as a result of a successful completion of the Datathon. Every participant without a team will have the chance to participate in a matchmaking process and form his/her team.

Local Schedule:

Ready, Set, Go on 28th Sept!

18:30 – 19:15

Official Opening

19:15 – 20:30

It’s Quest time! – participants


Team article Deadline

21:00- 24:00

Local Fun Session


The Coding continues on 29th Sept!

* Expect local fun sessions during the day!

00:00 – 24:00

Deep Data Learning and Hard Working on the Cases

16:00 – 19:00

*Each team to upload their video on Twitter and Facebook with #Datathon and #GlobalDatathon2018


Deadline to upload a working version of your article [to qualify for the competition]


Semi-Finals Groups Announcement



It’s Show Time on 30th September

00:00 – 13:00

The Work continues!


Deadline to upload a final version of your article

13:00 – 14:15

Presentations preparation & Semi-Finals Groups Review

14:15 – 14:30

Finalists Announcements

14:30 – 15:30

Online Presentations by the Finalists via Hangout

15:30 – 16:30

Networking & Finalists Jury

16:30 – 17:00

Winners announcement

17:00 – 19:00

Data.Celebration Party


Team presentations are on Sunday, @14:30 HRS and everyone is welcome (for people not participating in the Datathon, please register for free Datathon Fan: Online Stream to notify you when we begin).

Transport and parking:

Parking in the area is difficult on weekdays, however, it should be no problem on the weekend.

However, we recommend using public transport if possible. The closest U-Bahn stops are Volkstheater, Wien (U2 and U3) and Rathaus, Wien (U2)


Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the building.

Please note that this is a 48 hours event and teams will be working throughout Friday and Saturday night. Access will be controlled. We provide coffee, tea and snacks.

* If you have any questions, please refer to the General rules for participation and ask in the respective channel in the Data.Chat.


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