
Evaluating Feature Selection Algorithms for Different Machine Learning Models

Different models respond uniquely to filter, wrapper, embedded, and advanced methods (e.g., SHAP, Boruta, Autoencoders), making it essential to test multiple approaches. Feature selection methods should be chosen considering the dataset size, the nature of the model, and system resource availability.


In machine learning, a model’s performance depends on the algorithm used and the quality of the features used to train it. Feature selection ensures that only the most relevant input variables are used, leading to improved model accuracy, efficiency, and interpretability.

Imagine you’re a chef preparing a dish. If you use too many unnecessary ingredients, the dish might lose its distinct flavour, and the cooking process becomes more complicated. Similarly, feeding a model with too many irrelevant or redundant features in machine learning can dilute its predictive power, increase training time, and make it harder to interpret the results.

This is where optimisation in machine learning comes into play—choosing the right subset of features ensures the best balance between performance and efficiency. With modern datasets growing exponentially, proper feature selection is essential to avoid overfitting, reduce complexity, and ensure that models generalise well to unseen data.

Importance of Feature Selection in Machine Learning

Optimising model inputs through feature selection is fundamental to achieving better accuracy, faster training, and improved explainability in machine learning. Selecting the right features enhances a model’s predictive power while reducing overfitting, computational cost, and noise in the data.

1. Enhances Model Accuracy

Choosing the most relevant features helps the model focus on the most significant patterns in the data, leading to improved predictions. Unnecessary features may introduce noise, decreasing model accuracy and leading to misleading conclusions.

Feature selection eliminates irrelevant features, ensuring the model learns only meaningful patterns, thereby enhancing accuracy.

2. Reduces Overfitting

Overfitting occurs when a model learns patterns specific to the training data rather than generalising to unseen data. This happens when too many irrelevant or redundant features are included, making the model complex and sensitive to noise.

Feature selection helps remove unnecessary complexity, improving the model’s generalisation ability.

3. Improves Computational Efficiency

Reducing the number of features speeds up and improves model training, particularly for large datasets. High-dimensional datasets require more computational power, memory, and time for training.

Feature selection reduces training time and speeds up inference during deployment.

4. Enhances Model Interpretability

A model using a smaller but highly relevant set of features is easier to interpret. Understanding model decisions is crucial for trust and regulatory compliance in finance, healthcare, and the legal sector.

Fewer features make it easier to explain why a prediction was made.

5. Eliminates Multicollinearity

When two or more features are highly correlated, multicollinearity can occur, leading to unnecessary duplication of information. This can distort the model’s interpretation of which features contribute to predictions.

Feature selection removes correlated variables, ensuring the model assigns correct importance to each feature.

6. Reduces Data Collection Costs

Collecting data is expensive, especially involving hardware sensors, manual data entry, or online tracking. Companies can reduce storage, processing, and data acquisition costs by selecting only the most valuable features.

Fewer features mean lower data collection and storage costs.

7. Enhances Model Stability and Generalization

A model trained on a smaller, optimised feature set is less likely to be sensitive to variations in training data. This improves generalisation, meaning the model performs well on unseen data.

Feature selection increases model robustness.

  1. Aids in Optimization in Machine Learning

Feature selection is vital for optimisation in machine learning models, eliminating redundant features and improving efficiency and scalability. By reducing the number of input variables, models require less computational power, decrease training time, and minimise memory consumption, making deployment faster and more cost-effective.

✅ A well-optimized model improves performance and ensures seamless scalability across various applications.

Feature Selection in Machine Learning: Supervised vs. Unsupervised Techniques

By selecting only the most relevant variables, feature selection in machine learning boosts model accuracy, reduces computational load, and enhances interpretability. Broadly, feature selection techniques are categorised into Supervised and Unsupervised approaches.

1. Supervised Feature Selection

Supervised feature selection methods leverage labelled data, considering the relationship between independent features and the target variable. These methods help eliminate irrelevant and redundant features while improving model accuracy and efficiency.

Types of Supervised Feature Selection Methods

1.1 Filter Methods

Filter methods rank features based on statistical tests and select only the most relevant ones, independent of any machine learning model.


  • Correlation Coefficient: Measures how strongly a feature is related to the target variable.
  • Chi-Square Test: Measures the dependence between categorical features and the target.
  • Mutual Information: Measures how much information a feature provides about the target.
  • ANOVA (Analysis of Variance): Compares feature variance across different classes.
  • Variance Threshold: Removes low-variance features that do not contribute significantly.

Implementation Example (Python – Sklearn)



  • Scikit-learn: Provides SelectKBest, mutual_info_classif, and f_classif for filter methods.
  • SciPy: Implements statistical tests such as Chi-Square and ANOVA.

1.2 Wrapper Methods

Wrapper methods rely on machine learning algorithms to systematically test and refine feature subsets. They train the model multiple times to select the best combination of features.


  • Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE): Recursively removes the least important features.
  • Forward Selection: Starts with no features and adds the most important one at each step.
  • Backward Elimination: Starts with all features and removes the least significant ones step by step.

Implementation Example (Python – Sklearn RFE)



  • Scikit-learn: RFE, SequentialFeatureSelector for forward/backward selection.
  • MLxtend: Advanced feature selection functions.

1.3 Embedded Methods

Embedded methods select features as part of model training. These methods inherently rank features during the learning process.


  • LASSO (L1 Regularization): Shrinks coefficients of less important features to zero.
  • Tree-Based Feature Selection: Decision trees and Random Forest models assign importance scores to features.

Implementation Example (Python – LASSO)


  • Scikit-learn: Implements Lasso, RandomForestClassifier.feature_importances_.
  • XGBoost & LightGBM: Provide built-in feature importance functions.

2. Unsupervised Feature Selection

Unsupervised feature selection is used when the dataset lacks labels. It identifies intrinsic patterns within the data to remove redundant or irrelevant features.

Types of Unsupervised Feature Selection Methods

2.1 Variance Thresholding

This method removes features with low variance, assuming that low-variance features contribute less information.

Implementation Example (Python – Variance Threshold)


  • Scikit-learn: Implements VarianceThreshold.

2.2 Feature Clustering

This method groups correlated features and selects a representative feature from each cluster.

Implementation Example (Python – Clustering Features)


  • SciPy: Provides clustering functions.
  • Scikit-learn: Implements AgglomerativeClustering for hierarchical clustering.

2.3 Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

PCA transforms correlated features into independent principal components, reducing dimensionality while preserving information.

Implementation Example (Python – PCA)


  • Scikit-learn: Implements PCA.

Feature selection is key in machine learning workflows, improving efficiency, interpretability, and model accuracy. Supervised techniques are useful when labelled data is available, while unsupervised techniques help in unlabeled scenarios by identifying intrinsic patterns.

Use filter methods when speed and scalability are priorities.
Use wrapper methods when computational power allows for iterative selection.
Use embedded methods when training models that naturally rank feature importance.
Use unsupervised methods for dimensionality reduction in unlabeled datasets.

Evaluating Feature Selection Performance

Optimising model performance in machine learning requires effective feature selection to eliminate unnecessary and redundant features. However, removing features is insufficient; we must evaluate whether the process is beneficial. This requires assessing how feature selection affects model accuracy, training efficiency, and interpretability.

A well-executed feature selection process should:
✅ Improve model interpretability (by using fewer, more meaningful features)
✅ Reduce overfitting (by eliminating noisy or irrelevant features)
✅ Maintain or improve accuracy (ensuring the model generalises well)
✅ Improve training efficiency (by reducing computational complexity)

Key Evaluation Metrics for Feature Selection Performance

1. Model Performance Metrics (Before vs. After Feature Selection)

The effect of feature selection is assessed by evaluating the model’s performance before and after its application. The following classification and regression metrics help evaluate the improvement:

🔹 Classification Metrics:

  • Accuracy: Measures overall correctness of predictions.
  • Precision: Evaluate how many positive predictions were correct.
  • Recall: Measures the model’s success in identifying real positive outcomes.
  • F1-Score: Harmonic mean of precision and recall, useful for imbalanced datasets.
  • AUC-ROC Curve: Helps determine the separability of classes in a classification task.

🔹 Regression Metrics:

  • Mean Squared Error (MSE): Represents the mean squared deviation between observed and predicted outcomes.
  • R-squared (R²): Indicates how well the features explain variance in the target variable.
  • Mean Absolute Error (MAE): Captures the absolute differences between predicted and actual values.

2. Feature Importance Scores

Feature importance analysis helps identify which features contribute the most to model predictions. After feature selection, we compare the importance ranking of selected vs. removed features.

Tree-based models (e.g., Random Forest, XGBoost) assign importance scores to features.
SHAP values provide an explainable AI approach to feature importance.
Lasso Regression (L1 regularisation) shrinks coefficients of less important features to zero.

Example: Visualizing Feature Importance in a Decision Tree Model


3. Training Time Improvement

Reducing the number of features often decreases training time and reduces computational costs. After feature selection, we compare:
Model training time before and after feature selection.
Inference speed (time taken to make predictions).
Memory usage (especially for large datasets).

Example: Measuring Model Training Time



Step-by-Step Process to Evaluate Feature Selection Performance

Step 1: Train and Evaluate a Baseline Model (Before Feature Selection)

  1. Split the data into distinct training and testing groups.
  2. Train a machine learning model using all features.
  3. Evaluate model performance using accuracy, precision, recall, or MSE.
  4. Record feature importance scores and training time.

Step 2: Apply Feature Selection Techniques

  1. Use filter, wrapper, or embedded methods to remove irrelevant features.
  2. Select key features efficiently by leveraging statistical tests or model-driven feature ranking techniques.
  3. Transform the dataset using selected features.

Step 3: Train and Evaluate the Model Again (After Feature Selection)

  1. Train the model on the reduced feature set.
  2. Measure model performance (accuracy, F1-score, MSE, R², etc.).
  3. Compare feature importance rankings before and after selection.
  4. Measure training time improvement and memory efficiency.

Step 4: Compare Results and Make Decisions

  1. If model performance remains stable or improves, feature selection is successful.
  2. If performance drops significantly, reconsider the feature selection method.
  3. If training time and computational efficiency improve, the selected features are optimal.

Example: Full Workflow with Python Code

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, chi2

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

import time


# Step 1: Train baseline model

model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=42)

start_time = time.time(), y_train)

y_pred = model.predict(X_test)

baseline_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)

baseline_time = time.time() – start_time


print(“Baseline Model Accuracy:”, baseline_accuracy)

print(“Baseline Training Time:”, baseline_time)


# Step 2: Apply Feature Selection (Filter Method – Chi-Square)

selector = SelectKBest(score_func=chi2, k=10)  # Select top 10 features

X_train_selected = selector.fit_transform(X_train, y_train)

X_test_selected = selector.transform(X_test)


# Step 3: Train Model After Feature Selection

start_time = time.time(), y_train)

y_pred_selected = model.predict(X_test_selected)

selected_accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred_selected)

selected_time = time.time() – start_time


print(“Accuracy After Feature Selection:”, selected_accuracy)

print(“Training Time After Feature Selection:”, selected_time)


# Step 4: Compare Results

print(“Accuracy Improvement:”, selected_accuracy – baseline_accuracy)

print(“Training Time Reduction:”, baseline_time – selected_time)


Evaluating feature selection algorithms is key to ensuring optimal model performance, efficiency, and interpretability. We can eliminate redundant features, reduce overfitting, and improve generalisation by comparing techniques using accuracy, precision, recall, MSE, feature importance rankings, and computational efficiency. Feature selection is a crucial step in optimisation in machine learning, as it helps streamline models by reducing complexity while maintaining high predictive accuracy.

Different models respond uniquely to filter, wrapper, embedded, and advanced methods (e.g., SHAP, Boruta, Autoencoders), making it essential to test multiple approaches. Feature selection methods should be chosen considering the dataset size, the nature of the model, and system resource availability.

A well-executed feature selection process balances accuracy and efficiency, ensuring that only the most relevant features drive predictions. Ultimately, robust feature selection enhances model reliability, making machine-learning solutions more scalable and effective in real-world applications.

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