GD2018 Mentors

Miguel de Castro Neto

Miguel de Castro Neto – Assistant Professor and Associate Dean @ NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS) – the President of the Pedagogical Council and Coordinator of the Post-Graduation in Smart Cities.

Miguel de Castro Neto was Secretary of State of Spatial Planning and Nature Conservation in the XIX and XX Portuguese Government and Smart Cities Personality of the Year (Green Business Week 2017 / Fundação AIP).

Founder and Vice-President of the Data Science Portuguese Association he is presently President of the Portuguese Engineers Professional Association Agronomy College, coordinator of the Group Cities and Spatial Planning in the think tank Sustainable Growth Platform and President of the Festival Terras Sem Sombra Curators Board.

He develops his research and teaching in the field of Business Intelligence and Smart Cities.

Data.Chat: @mcneto
