Antelope SAP

Posted 2 CommentsPosted in Team solutions

The current paper examines the factors that influence the increase of the
sales volume of a retailer. The aim of the study is to create an accurate model with high explanatory
power which accounts for the promotional and competitor effects on the quantity sold as well
as to identify the main volume uplift drivers. That information could be useful when designing
marketing strategies in order to gain a competitive advantage over the other market players.

Tiny smart data modelled with a not-so-tiny smart model – the Case of SAP

Posted 1 CommentPosted in Team solutions

Tiny smart data modelled with a not-so-tiny smart model Introduction Metadata Business Understanding Data Understanding Data Preparation Modelling Evaluation Deployment Conclusion Metadata Case: The SAP Case – Analyze Sales Team: Chameleon Project URL: Memebers: Stefan Panev ([email protected]), Metodi Nikolov ([email protected]), Ivan Vrategov ([email protected], Radoslav Dimitrov ([email protected]) Mentors: Alexander Efremov([email protected]) Agamemnon Baltagiannis ([email protected]) Team Toolset: […]

The SAP Case using KNIME and Multiple Linear Regression Method

Posted 5 CommentsPosted in Team solutions

SAP Case Team Mentors:  Agamemnon Baltagiannis SAP Case Team: Abderrahim Khalifa                                                                | Morocco Andrei Deusteanu ([email protected]) | Romania Julian Borisov ([email protected])        […]

Price and promotion optimization for FCMG

Posted 6 CommentsPosted in Learn, Prediction systems, Team solutions

   Introduction Data provided consists of 3 years of weekly volume of sales, price of product in question, prices of main competitors and promotion calendar for a FCMG product. Data is provided by SAP. The task is to identify the volume uplift drivers, measure the promotional effectiveness and measure the cannibalization effect from main competitors. […]