
40+ open access websites that provide useful resources for everybody!


This article will not be useful only for data scientists, programmers, mathematicians, statisticians, and other scientists, but also for everybody. This is part of the movement for Open data and Open information. The calculator-online.net is an open source as everybody can access the website without any cost or specific login. It is great for everybody to learn and teach to the students.


We all want to learn topics based on our interests, that comes often through books. Unfortunately, most books are paid and are often expensive. Not all of the sites here are free, some require registration, or donations, but most are. I am going to give you several sites that offer you free books, articles, comics, magazines and other resources this includes academic book as fictional. Also not all of the books you have searched for will be present, some of the newer ones will be uploaded with time for example. This are the links that are active at the time of writing the article, although this could change in the future. The reader can check the list of the sites with links:

    1. https://b-ok.org/   This site does not require registration, you can download up to 5 books per day, with a free registration you can download 10 per day and finally if you are a bookworm you can make a donation for an unlimited access. All kind of books and articles are present in various formats pdf, epub, mobi, html and other.
    2. https://booksc.org/  This site is very similar to the above site, and has opened in 2009. It is currently the world’s largest scientific articles store. At the time of writing this article there are nearly 3 500 000 books and 74 000 000 articles.
    3. http://bookfi.net/  This site is a Russian version for the above websites.
    4. https://scihub.org/   This is a website that open ways to download millions of research materials for free. The Sci-hub free article download website is centralized to remove restricting from downloading journals, articles, and papers from the link. For more information on the topic check this link: https://gadgetswright.com/sci-hub
    5. http://libgen.rs/   This is a Russian based website with largest books collected in its database, the count ranges around 1.5 million of non-fiction books and an equal number of fictional books. All the books present are absolutely free and easy to download. There are 5 types of categories : Scientific articles, Fiction, Comics, Standards and Magazine.
    6. https://www.europeana.eu/portal/en   This site was launched in 2008 and is the EU digital platform for cultural heritage. More than 3,000 institutions across Europe have contributed to Europeana. At the time of the writing  58,072,923 artworks, artifacts, books, films and music from European museums, galleries, libraries and archives. It is present in every official language of the EU.
    7.  https://textbooknova.com/   This site offers a search engine with searching capabilities as entering a Title, Keyword, author, or ISBN or browse by category. The categories that are offered are both academic, fiction, leisure and hobbies.
    8. https://openlibrary.org/   This is an open, editable library catalogue building towards a webpage for every book ever published. The content is mostly  non academic, contains a lot of classical literature separated to the following categories with well-defined science, fiction, non-fiction, magazines. Users have the choice to contribute new information or corrections to the catalogue. If the users are interested in libraries or big data, they encourage you to have a look around the Open Library API.
    9. https://www.free-ebooks.net/ This site has the following categories like Fictional audio books, Non-fictional audio books, Children audiobooks and stood on the list as one of the most liked websites for free e-book downloads. It doesn’t allow anonymous to have full access to the book downloads it restricts them limiting download in books.To have full access to downloads an account holder on their website can easily download books without any download limit.
    10. http://www.freebookspot.es/ This is a Spanish website with a search engine that provides options of title, author and ISBN. There is also the ability to view the latest books  directly in a compact view of the web. Several popular languages are listed. The books are both academic and fictional.free-resources-books_data
    11. http://www.ebook3000.com/ This is a website with a lot of categories as Architecture, Artbooks, Biographies, Comics, Cultures/ Languages, Encyclopaedia, Dictionaries, Gambling, Graphic Design, History/Military, Newspaper, Mobile eBooks readers, Programming, politics, Sociology. It’s one of the best website for searching for free magazines. The  popular eBooks are highlighted on its right middle on their website.
    12.  https://archive.org/ This is not just a website for books. It contains books, movies, software, music, websites and other resources. It alone has more than 50 million of books available for download in different sectors. Apart from that, it has over 12 million of text files and a lot more.
    13. http://www.gutenberg.org/  It offers over 58,000 free eBooks with epub, kindle books access online. The most older books can have found here with copyrights expired. You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. There is no requirement for registration or login anyone can download all book with free access, even the users were provided with reading online option. There is an option for German, French and Portuguese.
    14. https://bookboon.com/  This website provides free eBooks and textbooks with different website languages options as English, Spanish, German, French, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Czech. Following on the websites, the Facebook page can let you get a daily new free eBook notification on your FB page. It offers a 30-day free trial and charges later $3.99 per month with filtering options of most popular, editors picks, most read, marketing, finance, management. This could be the best fit for a paid version of eBook website.
    15. http://www.freetechbooks.com/  This site lists free online computer science, engineering and programming books, textbooks and lecture notes, all of which are legally and freely available over the Internet. Throughout this site, other terms are used to refer to a book, such as ebook, text, document, monogram or notes.
    16. https://chestofbooks.com/   This site has various categories of books.
    17. https://www.librarything.com/ This is a social cataloging web application for storing and sharing book catalogs and various types of book metadata. It is used by authors, individuals, libraries, and publishers. Based in Portland, Maine. LibraryThing was developed by Tim Spalding and went live on August 29, 2005. As of January 2019, it has about 2,370,000 users and over 130 million books catalogued. The site has several languages. You can enter 200 items for free, as many as you like for $10 (year) or $25 (life).
    18. https://issuu.com/   This is a media company, issuu gives anyone with digitally bound content the ability to upload and distribute their publications worldwide. In just minutes. And as often as they’d like. You can also read many books on the site even if you do not have an account. For free eBooks, you can access the authors who allow you to download their books for free that is, if you have an account with Issuu.
    19. https://librivox.org/  This is a group of worldwide volunteers who read and record public domain texts creating free public domain audiobooks for download from their website and other digital library hosting sites on the internet. The audiobooks are read by volunteers from all over the world and are free to listen on your mobile device, iPODs, computers and can be even burnt into a CD. The collections also include classic literature and books that are obsolete.
    20. https://www.baen.com/    This is called  the Baen Free Library. Anyone who wishes can read these titles online — no conditions, no strings attached. (Later they may ask for an extremely simple, name & email only, registration) Or, if you prefer, you can download the books in one of several formats. Again, with no conditions or strings attached.free-resources-books_data
    21. https://knowfree.tradepub.com/   This website has been established in 1994 as the first online subscription services provided for B2B magazine publishers, TradePub.com has grown to be the most sophisticated repository of content for professionals in over 33 industry verticals, with extensive reach through 1000’s of B2B partner sites worldwide. KnowFree is the right platform to share and exchange the eBooks freely. While you can help each other with these eBooks for educational needs, it also helps for self-practice. Better known for free eBooks in the category of information technology research, case studies, eBooks, Magazines and white papers, there is a lot more that you can explore on this site.
    22. https://www.onlineprogrammingbooks.com/   This website lists free eBooks and online books related to programming, computer science, software engineering, web design, mobile app development, networking, databases, information technology, AI, graphics and computer hardware which are provided by publishers or authors on their websites legally.
    23. https://www.bookyards.com/en/welcome   This website is pretty simple where you can either publish books, download eBooks based on authors/categories or share links for free. You also have the option to donate, download the iBook app and visit the educational links.
    24. http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/  This website is extremely easy to understand and navigate with 5 major categories and the relevant sub-categories. To download books you can search by new listings, authors, titles, subjects or serials. On the other hand, you can also browse through news, features, archives & indexes and the inside story for information. It contains over 3 million books.
    25. http://www.feedbooks.com/publicdomain   This is a French website built as a digital library and cloud publishing service for both public domain and original books founded in June 2007 and based in Paris, France.The site allows you to download texts almost in all major formats such as, EPUB, MOBI and PDF. The site does not require you to register and hence, you can download books directly from the categories mentioned on the left menu.
    26. https://leanpub.com/  You are free to publish your book elsewhere at the same time as you publish it on Leanpub. However, other platforms may not allow you to publish in two places at once. The minimum price for the books is fixed at $0 by the author and you can thereafter decide the value of the book. The site mostly features eBooks on programming languages such as, JavaScript, C#, PHP or Ruby, guidebooks and more, and hence is known among developers or tech geeks and is especially useful for those preparing for engineering.
    27. http://www.openculture.com/   This website is a free educational media. Find thousands of free online courses, audio books, textbooks, eBooks, language lessons, movies and more. The site offers more than 800 free eBooks for students and it also features the classic fiction books by famous authors like, William Shakespear, Stefen Zwaig, etc. that gives them an edge on literature. Created by real editors, the category list is frequently updated.
    28.  https://bookspics.com/  This site allows you to download fresh books and magazines for free. Even though it has a premium version for faster and unlimited download speeds, the free version does pretty well too. It features a wide variety of books and magazines every day for your daily fodder, so get to it now!
    29. https://www.getfreeebooks.com/  This site is a legal portal where you can download books as you may like. The advantage of this site over others is that it is a legal platform for downloading books. The main benefits of this portal over other is that it has numerous books in its library, plenty of book categories and allows you to freely submit a book of your own.
    30. https://www.scribd.com/    This site contains audiobooks, news, and magazines, documents or ebooks. Scribd is the best site for you. However, this site is not fully free. They offer a one month free- trial after which you’re asked to be a paid member. It also works with content generated by users. Therefore, if you have ebooks or any other documents of your own, Scribd can share it with other users on your behalf.
    31. https://www.pdfdrive.com/  This website is your search engine for PDF files. As of the time of writing this article they have 71,798,629 eBooks for you to download for free. No annoying ads, no download limits, enjoy it and don’t forget to bookmark and share the love!
    32. https://gallery.mobile9.com/   This website allows you to download your paid ebook for free. Among many other features, this site allows you to easily engage with other readers and share knowledge easily. There are thousands and millions of books you can download free in PDF form. You can customize the search bar yourself to either choose form newest uploads, filter genres, popular tags and so on.
    33.  http://www.allitebooks.com/   This is a good site for books about programming, hardware and other computer topics.
    34.  https://easyengineering.net/  This site contains books about engineering.
    35.  https://manybooks.net/   This website has a great selection of modern and classic books waiting to be discovered.
    36.  https://www.allabout-engineering.com/   This website contains lots of books about engineering.
    37.  https://get-pdf.rf.gd/?i=1  This website contains books and papers for 99$ per piece.
    38.  https://www.topfreebooks.org/ This website contains lot of free books from different fields.
    39. https://pdfroom.com/ This is a search engine for PDF books.
    40. https://allbanglaboi.com/ This website is about Bengali books and papers.
    41. https://www.studocu.com/ This is note-sharing platform provides a straightforward, simple, and detailed hub of notes and study materials.
    42. https://formspal.com/ Legal language is complex by nature, but we strive to make it easy to create legally binding documents at a fracture of a price by providing downloadable legal forms and simple step-by-step tools.
    43. https://www.legalfinders.com/ – Legal Finders offers current, legally reviewed content (by an attorney), accepting verified source-backed content to aid users in understanding and navigating the legal system.
    44. https://wifispeed.io/ – Measure your internet speed with wifispeed.io. You can measure the download speed, upload speed, and ping of your internet service provider.
    45. https://rehabnet.com/ – is an informational resource hub for people who are seeking treatment for substance use disorder.

And now it’s time for reading – which will be the first book you will search for?

Feel free to comment other websites to the list.

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4 thoughts on “40+ open access websites that provide useful resources for everybody!

  1. Hi everyone,
    I have seen a lot of websites and resources where you can read books online or download them but most of them are trial-free or you need to register or at lease there is a waiting time to download a book,
    but I would recommend this website because it has non of the limitations that I mentioned above:
    worldmets is a very good website with a big collection of new and old ebooks in PDF format and it is free of any charges or registration. in this website you can find plenty of books (Bengali, Hindi,English) that you can download with just one click. All the links are direct so no popup or wait time.

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